Anyone else in sahm fed up club?

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So as usual I'm Santa as husband fell asleep.
I wrapped every present. He does cook roast Xmas day and help wash up/hoover on days off.
He was back in work boxing day which is crap.
Today's day 3 of kids driving me potty.
Teen massive lie in. On mission to board as much food, bowls and cutlery even as possible in bedroom.
Even the bathrooms constant state.
The todelers single handily destroying entire ground floor and refusing naps.
The older children what's for lunch what's for dinner like I am a restaurant.
Then proceed to moan they don't like what I cook.
Nip to local shops as getting cabin fever and fresh air do us good.
Then decide get rid of half dead Xmas tree and tidy the playroom/kids lounge.
Husband gets home why's the house a mess.
Where's tea why's it not ready
What have I been doing all day.
I haven't had a lie in in possibly years
Every hour in doing something.
Sent important email earlier
Hovered downstairs
Made 3 meals washed up least 3 times and done 1 load of washing.
Feel taken for granted and as a sahm no monetary worth pretty depressing at times.
So I have not been the perfect 1950s housewife today.
Husband then strops like overgrown man child even when tea is made he's not having any as it's late.
He's now asleep on sofa whilst I try and get toddler to sleep.
Do union accept sahm as group?
I miss work at times but childcare too pricy.
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Would you consider showing him this post? Or if not this specific post, writing down a list of what your typical day is like? Tbh you shouldn’t have to prove yourself to him, but if that’s what it takes to make him realise how much you actually put up with in a day then maybe you should.

He probably doesn’t feel ‘lucky’ that he has to work, but its a few hours out of the house every day, with adult socialisation, no home stresses, the rewarding feeling of earning money for his work, constantly learning and using his brain and/or body (depending what kind of work he does). I think he needs to realise that a bit more!
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The problem seems to be that the partner who stays at home resents the working partner for being able to go out and live their life as normal, earning money and having some freedom, while they are stuck indoors looking after the kids. The working partner resents the stay at home partner for not having to go to work and being able to 'do what they want at home' while they have to work hard and the income responsibility rests on their shoulders.
It must be so frustrating for both parties, and I don't know what the answer is apart from trying to see it from each others perspectives.
I don't want kids anyway but this is another reason that confirms to me why I don't want them!
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