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VIP Member
Basically what the title says.
Anyone else feel like groups of their brain cells are dying each day, your motivation and energy has got up and left, you ache and your brain aches. When you attempt to do anything to pass the time you either feel unwell or become tired quickly. You just want to sit and cry. Going to bed to sleep seems pointless because what exactly do you need energy for the next day?

I honestly feel like I'm so close to cracking up. I want this shit to end.
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In the best way possible, it's a huge comfort to know that I'm not alone in feeling how I do. I just want to hug each and everyone of you!
This place gets a lot of shit thrown it's way but times like now it has shown how lovely people can be. Thank you all for being so kind and understanding and for also opening up about how you feel too.
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Please please don’t lynch me but I was secretly happy when I heard the shops will reopen soon. I honestly can’t go on like this with only the bloody supermarket to go to.
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Sorry to hear you’re feeling that way, Sogdhitalley (and everyone else! 💐). I’m always feeling like I’m ready to crack even pre-pandemic 😂 but have had a rough few days.

For me it’s been carrying on with the mundanities and not going into work to split it up (wfh). It’s amplified how annoying everything is, like hoovering every day (dog hair) and knowing it’s only 23 hours before you do it again. I find myself squaring up to the Shark a lot more.

Even making myself look presentable to go out causes rage (!) so I usually end up going out sans make-up and feeling completely rotten. Then inevitably bump into people I know and feel worse. Would love to know how some are finding the energy to do bouncy hair and full faces of makeup for a walk around the park.

So yeah, it sucks in a lot of ways right now but just do what you have to do to feel at least slightly better. If that’s crying or ranting, don’t feel bad about it. I agree with the walking, I’ve gone out absolutely furious with everything and my legs have felt like lead, but once I’d done the walk my mood had definitely lifted.
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Yes, in a different boat and both still working full time from home with no childcare. I’ve got no work life balance, working 7 days a week all hours to keep on top of work whilst trying to home school.

We all have different challenges. All I can say is please get some fresh air and go for a walk, blast some music in your ears and walk it makes you feel a million times better Xxx
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I’m dreading going back to normality. I feel so much anxiety about people coming too close and not staying 2m away. My job involves customers it’s in a busy city centre and often involves herding those under the influence and various other states and situations. I’m protected initially by a glass screen but when a situation arises I may have to put myself less than 2m away to ensure safety of said customer... I’m not sure how i can ever feel safe because this is always going to be a potential situation that could unfold. And more.

I also haven’t spoke to any other humans I don’t know. I’m still going to work 5 days but it’s closed to public at the min so not seeing anyone other than colleagues. I feel like this has only made my anxiety worse I feel like I’m cracking up and becoming a nervous wreck who doesn’t want to leave the house.
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I am. I struggle with my mental health as it is never mind being stuck indoors for 11 weeks. I’ve not seen my family for that time, my son misses them as much as I do and my other half still works. We don’t have a garden and a walk around the block isn’t really cutting it anymore. I’m thankful we still have his income but it’s incredibly lonely. There’s nothing left to talk about because nobody is doing anything to talk about. As of Thursday we can meet in a park following social distancing but that’s literally impossible with a toddler who doesn’t understand any of this. Social distancing will be going on for months so realistically I either don’t see anyone until this really is over or I risk seeing the few family members I have. I don’t know which idea I hate the most!
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I’m not too bad but I’ve got intense work at the moment. I do flip flop in my mood though, I don’t have any outside space and I need to have fresh air and sun. I also live in a really built up beach town, so there are people absolutely everywhere.
guys; if you can get out of the house today, please just walk around the block, it will really help. Just ten minutes.
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Well-known member
Yep. I barely leave the house now, I’ve gone 10 days at a time not getting fresh air. No motivation. At the start of lockdown I was walking daily. Cba with work. Just feel so unhealthy.
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Sometimes I’m so glad I’m still working and other times it makes me so jealous to see my furloughed friends going for lovely long walks in the sun, and drinking on a weekday evening. I feel like I’m still having to do all the “boring” bits of life and can’t have any of the fun bits either. I’ve had a few really bad moments towards the beginning of lockdown but it has got better as I’ve got into a routine. I work from home a couple of days a week and I find that really hard, I don’t know how people manage doing it every day! There’s a a light at the end of the tunnel at least, I’m sure it won’t be long until we can have some semblance of normality back.
You've just described exactly how I feel with the whole working/furlough thing. I honestly think that's whats causing me to be so down at the moment, knowing my workplace furloughed half it's staff and I'm still working covering 3 peoples jobs for essentially 20% extra on my wage compared to those on furlough!!

My home is my office, I clock off and where do I go? Another room in my house. I hear all my neighbours in their gardens during the day whilst I'm glued to my seat working my tits off.

Sorry for the rant... What I'm trying to say is I feel you!! 😂
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No one is doing that social distancing anymore on my street, everyone nearly is having friends and family over all the time. I want to go out on some day trips and walk in the hills. I'm seriously sick of the local area.I think the whole thing has been overblown.I don't feel close to cracking up but I'm sick of the whole thing now, I don't care about it anymore.
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VIP Member
Sometimes I’m so glad I’m still working and other times it makes me so jealous to see my furloughed friends going for lovely long walks in the sun, and drinking on a weekday evening. I feel like I’m still having to do all the “boring” bits of life and can’t have any of the fun bits either. I’ve had a few really bad moments towards the beginning of lockdown but it has got better as I’ve got into a routine. I work from home a couple of days a week and I find that really hard, I don’t know how people manage doing it every day! There’s a a light at the end of the tunnel at least, I’m sure it won’t be long until we can have some semblance of normality back.
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Chatty Member
Yeah I do. I'm staying sane by playing video games and watching TV shows/films but now my mum has started to have a cough and I'm worried sick. We will get through this though ❤
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Well-known member
Hey this was refreshing to read. I could have written it myself. I can’t offer any advice except your not alone. Xxxx
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Yes im definitely more frazzled emotionally than usual. Sertraline helps but as an anxiety riddled hypochondriac drama queen im not actually more worried than usual just bored and frustrated at the loss of life and the consequences for my children and loss of education, friends and beaches. I miss the beach! Im still at work so im very lucky as that keeps me busy and gives me time out of the house.
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Chatty Member
I’m not in the U.K. but am able to work from home and actually it’s been my saving grace because for most of the week my mind has been occupied so I haven’t had time to think about living alone in a country with no family nearby and the likelihood of not seeing them until next year..

It has still been tough and I’ve cried most days but finally feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel. I also know I’m fortunate in a lot of ways so gratitude has helped x