Any advice ahead of molar tooth extraction?

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Hi All! Hoping some fellow tattlers may be able to put my mind at ease. After years of on and off trouble with a lower molar, my dentist has advised nothing else can be done to save the tooth and it has to come out. It seems when it was root canal-ed seven years ago a small pocket was left at the root, which has now formed an infection and a tract up to the gum. I’ve had an abscess on the gum now for a few weeks and was given antibiotics from the dentist on Friday. The tooth has a crown on it, so don’t know what difference that will make. I am a VERY nervous patient and I’m bricking myself ahead of the extraction (tomorrow). Does anyone have any experience or advice for before/during/after?
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I’ve not had molars out for years, but I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed.
Before - make sure you eat! Being hungry and not being able to eat is the worst

After, when you’re able to eat, you won’t want anything that needs much chewing. Pretty sure I lived off soup, mash and baked beans for a few days while it settled down. I’m pretty sure I was l also advised not to drink hot or fizzy drinks too so might be worth making sure you’ve got things you can drink too.
In my experience, follow their instructions and it’ll be a pretty smooth recovery. I didn’t for one, and had a few problems but the others I did and the recovery was smooth
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thank you so much! When were you able to brush your teeth again? That’s what I’m worried about feeling like my mouth is all icky and not being able to give it a good clean. And of course being starving! Better make sure i eat well today, perfect excuse!
I had one of my molars out a few years ago. Its over so quickly, it was my first ever removal and I was very nervous.
Don't worry about it, you'll be fine and won't feel a thing.

I brushed my teeth the next day but was very very careful. Dont eat food too hot or too cold and try and chew on the opposite side!

Good luck!
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Take some ibuprofen or paracetamol before you go in. Then it's working by the time the local wears off.
I think lower is better than upper from my memory. Certainly was for my wisdom teeth.

Seconded soft foods. Porridge is good!
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I had a molar removed recently. (An infection in early first lockdown never really went away and social distancing prevented me getting root canal even in September)
The injections for anaesthetic were worse than the extraction. I felt a bit miserable that evening and the day after and my cheek was puffy on that side. I kept taking paracetamol and had soft foods and only drank water. Within 3 days most of the pain had gone and the swelling went down in 5. I could brush my teeth the next day and they also advise rinsing with salt water after you eat.

Having had a really painful abscess and an extraction this year I can say that nothing will ever, ever be as painful as that abscessed tooth was. I remember I was eating soup but a hard bit of lentil touched my tooth and I cried it was so painful.

Good luck hope it goes well x
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Just remember nothing is worse than the pain of an infected tooth/abscess. Once it's out (and it will be over very quickly) you'll never have pain like it again. As others have said, have something to eat/drink beforehand and take some ibuprofen before the anaesthetic wears off. Take care & hope you feel better soon x
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I've not had one removed but I have had severe toothache very recently which is due to needing a root canal and an abcess. It was always my worst fear having a tooth removed but I can honestly say I would do anything to never have toothache or an abscess again, it was horrific and I was in tears. I would have had it pulled if they offered.
Just think once your tooth is removed you won't have that pain again! Good luck x
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I've had a bottom molar taken out and please follow the dentists instructions about not rinsing your mouth out. I cant stress this enough its important because a clot will be formed and you don't want to dislodge this and get a dry socket!. I got one because I brushed my teeth and rinsed and shouldn't have . Fuck me the pain was terrible and took a week or so to subside.
Actually having the tooth out was O.K. it didn't hurt, but go straight home because you can feel a bit dizzy etc afterwards/lightheaded etc. I hope it all goes well for you.x
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Tooth extractions in my experience tend to be quite quick and over with very quickly so be reassured in that. (Root canals take much longer and I personally even find getting a filling more stressful). While the numbness is wearing off you might want to take painkillers to soothe any pain you might be in ahead of time.

I'd reiterate what someone else said about eating - do try and eat before as you'll probably be hungry after and it will be sore to eat.
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That's really good advice, I did that too. It was awful. They put some sort of false packing in the dry socket, made from seaweed or something, it did the trick but the hole took ages to heal up. X
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I had one removed a couple of years ago. It wasn’t pleasant but I didn’t really feel anything apart from pressure. I was so worried about getting dry socket I barely ate for a day or so after and if I did I made sure it was on the other side of my mouth.

I had a scale and polish beforehand and would 100% prefer another extraction than a scale and polish!
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I‘ve had one removed two years ago. Imo the anesthetic injection was the worst bit of it - but even that wasn’t as bad as I feared! The extraction is super fast and luckily the pain was alright (took 2 paracetamol in total).

Just remember how much better you’ll feel! That’ll be worth the slight discomfort.

Wishing you all the best for tomorrow x
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Thanks everyone!! All your experiences are making me feel much better and less nervous. I’ll dose up on painkillers beforehand and make sure I don’t lose the clot (phrase I never thought I’d type ).

it’s due to be removed at 6pm. Any experiences on if I’ll be ok for work the next day? I work from home, but my role involves a lot of talking and being on video call....
I'd check with the dental practice beforehand about taking painkillers before your appointment, just in case.

I would arrange for the day off following the procedure, just in case - go for two days, if you can, as you will probably be quite sore. Make sure you have some table salt on hand (to clean the wound with - they'll tell you to gargle warm water with a bit of salt in it), and some painkillers at home ... panadol is gentler on the stomach but ibuprofen is better for dental pain.

Good luck!
I Had a molar with a crown removed a year ago. Also I’m a very nervous patient!
They will try to extract it the same as if it didn’t have a crown. You will be numbed up with local anaesthetic so you won’t feel anything apart from maybe a bit of pressure but honestly hand on heart it was a really quick, painless procedure. Afterwards you will have the hole where your tooth was, you have to rinse with salt water etc for a few days after but you’ll get aftercare instructions. You’ll be fine, promise
Just want to reiterate the "dry socket" thing. You'll probably get some aftercare advice about not smoking or using a straw - it's the suction effect that mainly causes dry socket. Just be really careful with it for at least a couple of weeks. My boyfriend ignored the advice and got dry socket, it was really painful and infected and required further treatment.