Hi. Just a little advice please. I have 3 grown up sons (in their 20’s) and we all have a great relationship with each other. Their dad is a total s***bag and has caused no end of problems. I tried to encourage him to stay in touch with the boys for years, but after initially attempting to see them every few weeks for a day (on his terms) he didnt really bother. He has been married twice since me. He popped in and out of my 2 youngests lives for the past 15 years (eldest wouldnt entertain seeing him) but he is now seeing my youngest fairly regularly (once every couple of months). My issue is that Im really struggling with it. I am able to talk to my youngest about it and I understand he needs to come to his own decision without us interfering but why do I feel gutted? I feel the ex wasnt there for the crap times yet now they’re all doing well he strolls in to take the glory. Am I being selfish for feeling like this? Is it normal? Thank you to anyone who reads this without falling asleep!! 

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