2020 US Election - Trump vs Biden #2

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there were rumours that boris would stand down in january - let's be honest he's been absolutely shit. history won't remember him at all well. can't go soon enough but fvck whichever chancer comes next.
I am ashamed to say i didn’t realise we don’t officially have a deputy PM?! How has it taken me this long to realise since the election last year? I can’t see Boris wanting to continue for another 3 years.
Boris was in Trumps pocket he sure as hell will not like the outcome especially as he'll have to give up his " no deal" dream to move forward,,The UK need someone with the backbone and focus of Thatcher to run the country Boris is too easily enticed.
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Boris was in Trumps pocket he sure as hell will not like the outcome especially as he'll have to give up his " no deal" dream to move forward,,The UK need someone with the backbone and focus of Thatcher to run the country Boris is too easily enticed.

I will take Boris over Thatcher any day.

At least Boris is too much of a bumbling idiot to actually do the harm Thatcher did.
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I think it’s hilarious. I’d love to have been on the Downing Street Whats App yesterday when the announcement happened Apparently there is one, it’s where they all chat to get their stories straight. Raab in particular was awful. Half arsed ‘congratulations’ to Biden and no mention of Kamala Harris. Though given his views on women I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised by that, he probably thinks she should be at home ironing or making her husbands tea or something.
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I will take Boris over Thatcher any day.

At least Boris is too much of a bumbling idiot to actually do the harm Thatcher did.
Oh I’m not a Thatcherite but she had more balls than Boris and she got the job done.. If Merkel dropped her drawers Boris would be back in the EU ( so to speak)
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Boris was in Trumps pocket he sure as hell will not like the outcome especially as he'll have to give up his " no deal" dream to move forward,,The UK need someone with the backbone and focus of Thatcher to run the country Boris is too easily enticed.
Boris is just Cummings’ puppet - I’m flabbergasted DomCum couldn’t see Biden being victorious. I thought he was more calculating than that.
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Raab in particular was awful.
I thought his squirming interview with Sophie Ridge (I’ve just seen repeated now) was so uncomfortable god love the tosser he’s afraid to say anything

Anyway the Irish cousins are cashing in...the pic in the Whitehouse https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-54838812
Poor Farage will be fuming seeing this
I am noooooo fan of Varadkar but I love the amount of fucks he didn’t give last week when he openly backed Biden and said he has more interest in Ireland than a golf course.
unlike squeaky bum Boris and his band of Merry fuckers
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I thought his squirming interview with Sophie Ridge (I’ve just seen repeated now) was so uncomfortable god love the tosser he’s afraid to say anything
His job Just got a whole lot more difficult, and he knows it.

Boris didn’t even bother offering congratulations until an hour after Keir Starmer, Nicola Sturgeon, Mark Drakeford and pretty much every other world leader. What an utter shit show. We’ve now replaced the US as global laughing stock.
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Boris is just Cummings’ puppet - I’m flabbergasted DomCum couldn’t see Biden being victorious. I thought he was more calculating than that.
If it's true they're both to leave their posts in January they'll just bumble their way through til then Boris looked worse than ever yesterday ,,somethings on his mind I think they know it's out of their hands now and were just too naive and put everything on Trump winning ,the same way he's putting all his eggs in one basket by leaving the EU..
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I am ashamed to say i didn’t realise we don’t officially have a deputy PM?! How has it taken me this long to realise since the election last year? I can’t see Boris wanting to continue for another 3 years.
We used to have Nick Clegg as Deputy Prime Minister until 2015 and I think John Prescott until 2007. It is a position that exists at the discretion of the Prime Minister though, so it's not like we always have one or never have one.
UK politics is a shower of shite. All colours. I think wee nippy is just stealing the edge for me. Might move even more north
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I love the whole ‘Boris is unwell, he looks terrible, something is wrong he needs to resign’ narrative.

he’s always looked terrible?

I don’t see him resigning in January personally, being PM is his wet dream. Even if Biden gives him a harder time over Brexit.
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Yeah she's a wee tornado
She doesn’t mess about! Regardless what you think of her (she’s disliked by a lot) she stands her ground and pushes things. AND she actually answers questions when out to her and doesn’t avoid.
Sorry didn’t mean to derail x

I don’t watch all of his stuff as I don’t live in England but when I saw his lockdown 2 announcement I did think he looked frightfully ill
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We used to have Nick Clegg as Deputy Prime Minister until 2015 and I think John Prescott until 2007. It is a position that exists at the discretion of the Prime Minister though, so it's not like we always have one or never have one.
This is why Raab had to step in when Boris had Covid. Without a Deputy PM it fell to the next more senior member of government, the foreign secretary. If anything had happened to Raab then it would have been bloody Priti Patel running the country

Boris looks awful. Partly because of him having had Covid, which I don’t think he’s really gotten over, and partly because he’s a raging alcoholic. If Twitter is to believed then he’s frequently pissed and comatose, and that’s why he frequently vanishes even during a crisis. Trump has been far more visible during the pandemic than Boris has.

I did wonder if his late reaction yesterday was down to him being drunk and passed out somewhere.
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He has a drinking problem and has for years. He’s always looked pretty shit. Like he rolled out of bed.

he has maybe lost a bit of weight, but that was much needed given that he is obese.
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I think they know it's out of their hands now and were just too naive and put everything on Trump winning
This is from the times a while back, and I agree with it. You need to focus on the U.K. not just Brexit and Boris Johnson

And though Biden has expressed his personal disapproval of Brexit, and made clear his interests in defending Ireland amid the negotiation process, it would be a mistake to cast aside the depth of the UK-US “special relationship”. What Biden offers the UK is a long-term reassertion of the country’s shared interests on foreign policy, climate change, and diplomatic standards that Trump in recent years has upended totally.
It is no secret that those at the helm of No 10 are inherently short-termist in their approach – favouring political expediency over long-term ideological projects. A Biden presidency may force a reassessment of these priorities and a rethinking of the current political strategy of playing fast and loose with the political status of Northern Ireland.

But what is good for Johnson in the short term does not translate into Britain’s long-term benefit. And crucially, this is not a diplomatic zero-sum game: what is good for Ireland is not necessarily bad for Boris. Rather, in Biden there may be a diplomatic rebalancing that works to the mutual benefit of Britain outside of the European Union and the ongoing peace in Northern Ireland.

Also from the times, Background for anyone who isn’t into the Irish side of things;
On September 16th Biden tweeted: “We can’t allow the Good Friday Agreement that brought peace to NI to become a casualty of Brexit. Any trade deal between the US and UK must be contingent upon respect for the Agreement and preventing the return of a hard border. Period.”
(Democrats are proud of their role in negotiating the 1998 settlement – seeing peace in Northern Ireland as something of an American legacy)

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He's always been an overweight pasty unfit man.

We are doomed
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What I find annoying when the celebrities get involved in politics, especially celebs who haven't seen in the spotlight for some years.
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